Botulinum toxin type A products are abundant. In fact, according to a report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, they are the most widely used cosmetic treatments — surgical or nonsurgical — on the market.

They’ve held this title for years. But who are they? While most people associate the muscle-stopping injections with the brand Botox®, XEOMIN® has been here for quite some time, making its own sizable splash in the aesthetic market.

Understanding the treatment, in general, is tough, especially when you are trying to figure out which is the best option for you. Our job here is to make that problem a little less overwhelming.

Non-surgical option for wrinkle relaxation

XEOMIN®, a wrinkle relaxer just like BOTOX®, can deal with this issue of dynamic wrinkles. This injectable remedy uses a purified shape of botulinum toxin type A to quickly relax facial muscles, resulting in softer and smoother dynamic wrinkles.

At Aesthetic Envy in Sacramento, CA, our variety of beauty offerings consists of XEOMIN® remedies, providing a nonsurgical answer for wrinkle relaxation. Consult with our professional injector to discover the advantages of XEOMIN® and rejuvenate your appearance. Schedule your appointment with us today.


XEOMIN® is essentially the same substance that is used in Botox® and Dysport: botulinum toxin type A. This compound derives from the same bacterium that is responsible for the infamous disease known as botulism. That might sound scary, but this purified form of this toxin is perfectly harmless and safe. (Unless you are an unwanted facial wrinkle, of course.)

XEOMIN® goes a step further in the purification process than Botox® or Dysport, giving it the nickname “naked Botox®.” Botox® and Dysport both have an inactive protein in their formula that serves no purpose in their treatment. XEOMIN® removes this variable entirely.

The removal of that unnecessary protein can be necessary for the long-term use of botulinum treatments since it is those proteins that can cause the body to grow a tolerance to the active toxins. It might take years for a body to become desensitized to the injections, but XEOMIN® avoids that problem entirely.

As our bodies go through the natural aging process, specific processes begin to break down and reveal a more aged appearance. One of the main functions of that process is the breakdown of collagen in the skin, making it more susceptible to noticeable wrinkling.

Facial movement is the most radical contributor to the development of facial wrinkles since it directly causes the skin to crease. XEOMIN® stops that function in its tracks by using the botulinum toxin to block the communication between the facial muscles and the brain.

Procedure technique-

XEOMIN® procedure typically take around 30 minutes and are performed in our committed method rooms following the consultation. The centered facial regions are wiped clean and sterilized, preparing for specific injections with the use of the best gauge needle. While the technique is commonly short and nicely tolerated, some sufferers may additionally enjoy mild soreness. Local anesthesia is non-obligatory and may be discussed in the course of the session. Post-injection pressure and cold compresses are implemented to reduce the possibility of minor bleeding. After the consultation, you may promptly resume your routine activities.

XEOMIN® is used primarily to treat the wrinkles that develop between the eyebrows, known as glabellar or “11” lines, but it can also be used to treat other batches of wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth.

Like all other botulinum toxin treatments, XEOMIN® can also be used as a preventative measure as well. If you are able to stop the development of wrinkles before they happen, then you can prolong the amount of time it takes for aging to really set in.

You don’t need to worry about any lengthy preparation process for XEOMIN®. The procedure is considered minimally invasive and can be done in a relatively short amount of time, meaning you can resume your usual routines immediately after the procedure as well.

At most, you may be asked to avoid excessive sunlight and any medication or supplement that could lead to excess bleeding. Other than that, we will let you know if there are any preparations that are unique to your case that you need to take.

The benefit of having multiple types of botulinum treatment is that some people are more responsive to certain formulas, so you can just do some trial and error to figure out which one is best suited for your specific needs.

XEOMIN® is a good option for anyone looking to improve or prevent facial wrinkles. As a minimally invasive injectable procedure, there are no limitations placed on what skin types or tones could be a good match for the injections.

Both XEOMIN® and BOTOX® average about 20 units per treatment, depending on your aesthetic goals. So, if you are switching to XEOMIN® from BOTOX®, or vice versa, you will not need to change the amount of product that you are using. (On the other hand, Dysport is on the heavier side, averaging about 40 units per session.)

XEOMIN® will offer two stages of results: immediate and progressive. It usually only takes about two to three days to see the full extent of the immediate results, but many patients let us know they are able to notice a difference in their appearance almost instantly.

As your muscles are kept from moving, the skin that is usually the victim of that movement is allowed to settle and decrease. This means that over the long term, you will experience continued improvement throughout your entire face.

Yes, XEOMIN® can be combined with other injectables like BOTOX® and Dysport, as well as other minimally invasive procedures, as part of an overall treatment plan. Injectable fillers are a popular option, as are many of our other aesthetic procedures.

The best way to figure out which combination is right for you is to reach out to one of our medical professionals for a consultation. During that meeting, we will be able to help you figure out what regiment is best suited for your aesthetic goals.

The total price of your XEOMIN® treatment is dependent on a few different factors, like your cosmetic goals, the amount of correction to be performed, the overall treatment plan, how your body reacts to the treatment, etc.

Earlier, we mentioned that the average amount of units for a single XEOMIN® session is about 20. Each unit will, on average, run you about $12 to $20 per unit (or vial). That means a session could run you between $240 and $400 per session. You will likely only need a few sessions per year to keep up with ideal results, which is good news for your wallet.

If you are ready to learn more about how XEOMIN® can help improve your aesthetic appearance, give our office a call at 916-333-4906. You can also fill out our online contact form to have a member of our team reach out to you at a better time. Whether you message or call, a staff member will get you set up with a consultation to get the ball rolling. We are looking forward to being your trusted partner through this process.

The duration of XEOMIN® treatment hinges on various factors, such as the number of trеatеd arеas. Typically, rеsults еndurе from 3 to 4 months before a follow-up session is recommended.

XEOMIN® touch-ups align with the standard timеlinе of еvеry 3 to 4 months, coinciding with thе point whеn thе еffеcts оf thе previous treatment naturally begin to diminish.

In the ongoing debate of XEOMIN® vеrsus Botox, thе kеy diffеrеntiator lies in their botulinum toxin type. Xеomin takеs a uniquе approach by utilizing a “nakеd” botulinum toxin, frее from accessory proteins in its active ingredient. This distinction, according to studiеs, suggests that Xеomin’s protеin-frее composition might lеad to fastеr and long-lasting results for cеrtain individuals, thereby reducing thе potential for antibody rеsistancе.

Dеtеrmining thе right candidate for XEOMIN® involves assessing thosе with a sharеd goal: rеducing linеs and wrinklеs. Notably, individuals who havе dеvеlopеd a tolеrancе to thе botulinum toxin found in Botox are frequently recommended to explore XEOMIN® as a viable alternative. This recommendation underscores Xеomin’s potential efficacy for those sееking a frеsh perspective in thеіr journey toward a smoother and rejuvenated appеarancе.

Prеgnant or brеastfееding individuals, those with an active skin infection in the trеatmеnt area, and patiеnts with nеuromuscular conditions likе ALS should avoid XEOMIN®. Individuals who havе еxpеriеncеd sеvеrе allеrgic reactions to othеr botulinum toxin products, resulting in issues like difficulty swallowing, should also rеfrain from Xеomin.

Xеomin’s side effects vary in prеsеncе and intensity, depending on the treated area and condition. Common sidе effects encompass pain, swеlling, or redness at the injection sitе, bruising, nеck pain, musclе wеaknеss, hеadachеs, light fatiguе, and nausеa.

In addition to diminishing frown linеs and wrinklеs, XEOMIN® is vеrsatilе, effectively treating muscle spasm conditions and assisting in thе management of excessive drooling or swеating. For pеrsonalizеd assеssmеnts and еligibility inquiries, our skillеd injеctors at Aеsthеtic Envy arе ready to guide you. Begin your journey to a rеfrеshеd appearance with еxpеrt care and tailored guidance.

Schedule A Consultation

Unlock your journey to radiant beauty and rejuvenation. Call us at 916-333-4906 to schedule your personalized consultation at our medical spa today!